When you’re considering taking out an auto loan, you need to know that you’re working with a reputable company. Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc (CPS) is one of the top auto loan providers that is known to many consumers, but what can you expect from this company? In this review of Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using CPS, who is eligible for CPS loans, and what opportunities CPS provides borrowers.
Overview of Consumer Portfolio Services
Consumer Portfolio Services Reviews is an auto finance company founded in 1991 by Donald Tomnitz, who formerly served as the president and CEO of DR Horton. CPS offers loans to people with poor to sub-prime credit who are interested in buying a car. CPS has loan programs available for both new and used vehicles, and loans can range from 24 to 72 months. The company is based in Irvine, California, and has over 30 offices in the U.S. CPS has provided over 3 million consumers with over $10 billion worth of loans since its inception.
Types of Consumer Portfolio Services Auto Loans
There are two types of Consumer Portfolio Services auto loans: installment loans and lease-to-own programs. An installment loan is the typical type of loan used when financing a car. With this loan, you’ll make regular payments that are evenly divided across the loan term until the car is paid off. CPS also offers a lease-to-own program, which is an agreement between the lender and the borrower to purchase a car in monthly installments over a fixed period of time. This type of loan agreement is great for people who may not be able to qualify for a traditional auto loan due to poor credit.
Benefits of Consumer Portfolio Services
1. Flexible Options: The range of loans offered by CPS makes it easy to find a loan that works for you and your budget. By offering installment loans and lease-to-own plans, CPS can cater to a wide range of needs.
2. Fast Approvals: CPS boasts a fast and easy application process that results in quick approvals for qualified borrowers. This means you can have your loan in as little as a day if you are approved.
3. Excellent Customer Service: One of the best parts about choosing CPS is that their customer service team is always available to answer questions and address any issues you might have.
4. Low Interest Rates: CPS offers some of the lowest interest rates on car loans on the market. This makes them a great option for those looking to get a car for a bargain price.
5. Security: CPS is committed to providing secure loans that are safe and reliable. The company is also registered with the Federal Trade Commission and is compliant with all laws and regulations.
In Summary
When it comes to choosing an auto loan provider, you want to make sure you’re working with a trustworthy company. Consumer Portfolio Services, Inc (CPS) is one of the top auto loan providers that is known to many consumers. With CPS, borrowers can take advantage of flexible loan options, fast approvals, excellent customer service, low interest rates, and security. CPS is a great option for those looking to finance a car.
1. What type of loans does Consumer Portfolio Services offer?
Answer: CPS offers installment loans and lease-to-own programs for both new and used vehicles.
2. How long does it take for a loan to be approved?
Answer: Applications can be approved in as little as a day if the borrower is qualified.
3. What is the minimum loan amount offered by CPS?
Answer: The minimum loan amount is $5,000.
4. Is CPS registered with any entities?
Answer: Yes, CPS is registered with the Federal Trade Commission and is compliant with all laws and regulations.
5. Are there any fees associated with CPS loans?
Answer: Yes, there may be certain fees associated with Consumer Portfolio Services Reviews loans. It is recommended to discuss the fees with a customer service representative.