Military schools, whether they be at the collegiate or high school level, offer their graduates a great many benefits. They receive a solid and well-rounded education that will benefit them for life. They receive skills and tools to help them jumpstart their career. But they differ depending on the institution and the grade levels at which they teach.
An example of a military college is Virginia Military Institute, otherwise known as VMI. This boarding school accepts men and women who just graduated high school and are looking for the discipline that a military college offers. Most of them already have their driver’s license and all have completed high school.
Down the road in Waynesboro, Virginia is their younger cousin. A school called Fishburne Military School (also known as FMS) offers many of the same benefits but is dealing with a different student. These young people are still in their formative years and are much less likely to know what they want out of life. Military school may not have even been their idea. Their parents or guardian may have convinced them to go for self-improvement reasons. Cadets at 14 or 15 years old can be very immature as compared to those 18-22 years old.
These differences don’t just apply to military schools in Virginia. There are many military schools throughout the country that are both high school and college level. Most are co-ed. But for a male student who is easily distracted by females, a male-only school like Fishburne may be the best fit. But, the schools in Virginia are among the oldest and have some of the deepest and richest history of any schools in the nation.